DAMA IA March – Data Strategy Insights and Practices

DAMA IA invites you to join our webinar with speaker David Williams (VP, Data Strategy at Analytics8) on March 25th at 9:00 AM CST.

Topic: Data Strategy Insights and Practices

When: Thursday, March 25th 9:00 AM CST

Speaker: David Williams

RSVP Location: https://www.meetup.com/DAMA-Iowa/events/276969125/?isFirstPublish=true


As the leader of Analytics8’s data strategy practice, Dave has helped dozens of companies leverage data for insights. His work has helped facilitate streamlined processes, better business decisions and more educated and satisfied staff. He’s seen just about every stage of analytics maturity and continues to enjoy helping companies improve.

From financial and budgetary information to key performance metrics, business leaders have so much critical data on their hands. But many times, this ever-growing amount of data is viewed as a hazard instead of a springboard. Data may be stuck in systems that don’t talk to each other, manual processes may impede data quality, and analytics tools aren’t focused on the KPIs business leaders care about.

Between executives and management, expectations and the reality of remaining competitive in the marketplace, the stakes are high across all industries. Successful and growing organizations are putting their data to work to their competitive advantage, and it starts with a data strategy.

Data leaders play a central role in solving the challenge organizations have with leveraging data. Savvy practitioners are equipped with knowledge of what the business is trying to achieve, what data exists within the organization (and what data doesn’t) and how the business can turn that data into insights.

In short, data leaders can play a central role in advocating for, establishing and building a data strategy.

In this conversation, we’ll discuss:

· What a data strategy is

· How a data strategy can help organizations achieve their goals

· Key elements of a data strategy and real-life applications

· Which elements of a data strategy data leaders can own, and for which they’ll need others

· The importance of a roadmap that outlines the “how and when” a data strategy will be built

DAMA-IA March Chapter Meeting – Data Strategy Insights and Practices

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